29 October 2006

Preparing for Market

We are putting lots of work into getting our current house ready to put up for sale. The new roof was put on Thursday and Friday (the old roof was about 30 years old!), and we are getting ready to powerwash the outside and get the patio and formal garden all cleaned up and winterized. Dear Hubby mowed both lots today and bagged up leaves; the yard looks GREAT! I spent time today pulling old dead plants out of the planters and emptying the dirt out so we can take them with us to the new place. Don't know if - - or where - - I will have a garden at the new house. If I don't use the planters, they will make a welcome addition to my yard sale next Spring!

Yesterday we spent the entire day pulling the old French door unit out of the dining room and installing a new sliding glass door. The old door had rotted through on the bottom, due to the fact that when we bought the house 11 years ago, there had been a deck and a deck bench right outside that door; rain and wet leaves fell between the door and the deck bench, and over the years, it rotted. We did not want to do a "quick fix" and sell something that was sub-standard. That is what happened to US when we bought this place, and we will not do that to someone else!

This week will be busy with more sorting, packing, painting - - *sigh* - - I'm getting worn out just thinking about it!

But closing is now less than 2 weeks away, and we need to be able to move out of here as quickly as possible, and get this place sold. My stress level is going to be extra high until we do - - only then will I start to calm down and think that everything actually will be okay.

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