We listed the house a year ago this weekend.
One year ago.
It's still on the market.
It's very frustrating . . . it's a beautiful house, and it's still not sold.
One year.
Our agent and us have all heavily marketed it. We have dropped the price NUMEROUS times. We have maintained it and kept it up to make sure it always looks its best for anyone it is shown to.
We really don't know what else to do.
And have you noticed - - any time you are having a problem, suddenly everyone on the planet has to weigh in on it?
YES - - we know that the housing market is bad. Everyone in the whole damn media market makes it their civic duty to make sure we don't forget it.
YES - - we know that it is a buyer's market, thanks again to the media.
NO - - we have not considered renting it instead of selling it.
NO - - we are NOT considering changing realtors. The agency we are signed with is a large, reputable firm with a good standing in the community. Our agent is a very hard-working and honest person, and we are comfortable dealing with her. It is not her fault that the market is the way it is - - don't blame her, blame the media. And the government.
And NO - - we have not considered dropping our agent and trying to sell it ourselves. We don't have the time, or the patience, for that. We do not feel like doing all our own marketing, beating the bushes for buyers, holding our own open houses, dealing with lawyers and inspectors and the like.
NO, NO, NO. That is why we have an agent.
I know you all mean well, but really all you are doing is adding to our stress level, and believe me, that is high enough already!
PLEASE give us credit for having some common sense, and believe that we are trying our best to get through this situation. We are not stupid people. We need your support, not your criticism.
30 December 2007
A Year Ago . . .
10 November 2007
Open House . . .
At the lot closing yesterday afternoon, we found out from our realtor that an Open House is scheduled for the house this Sunday. She apologized for the short notice, but said at her office they had just come to her and told her there was an open spot, since one of the scheduled Open Houses had just sold; did she want it? She immediately told them to put our house in there.
Dear Hubby Steve and I went by this afternoon and raked the leaves, and then he mowed the lawn while I went inside and vacuumed.
Tomorrow morning I am going to head over with a plate of cookies, and also kick on the heat a bit to take the chill off the house.
I hope she has a good showing - - wish us luck.
The Lot is GONE!!!!!
Finally - - *whew*
We all met at the title company at 4:15 yesterday afternoon to get the paperwork all completed and funds disbursed.
The buyers seemed like a really nice couple, probably early 30's, he's in construction, and she works at a TV station in Springfield. They are expecting their first child in April, and are excited about that, as well as getting their house built.
We made a point of telling them about the neighbors, and how nice everyone is. We (and our realtor) also said we were trying our best to find them good neighbors for the house we are selling.
I think they will be a good addition to the neighborhood. And, I'm looking forward to seeing the house they build.
I wish them the best of luck!
08 November 2007
07 November 2007
Finally - - A Closing On the Lot!
We finally have a closing date on the lot!
We did not get as much as we hoped for the lot, but still came out ahead (thank goodness!)
Now if we can just move that blasted HOUSE . . . . .
08 October 2007
FINALLY - - some progress to report!
We received - - and ACCEPTED - - an offer on the lot.
The lot is finally GONE!
The couple who bought it are getting a new construction loan, and will be building a house on it. In fact, it turns out we know who the man is, and he is a very nice person. I'm sure he will be good for the neighborhood!
NOW - - let's keep our fingers crossed that the house goes soon . . .
17 July 2007
Well, there has been SOME activity lately - -
We have heard that the house has been shown a few times over the past couple of weeks, and there is another Open House scheduled.
Hopefully something will come of all this activity . . .
I'll keep ya posted . . . . .
04 June 2007
Finally, Some Interest Is Being Shown!
We had an unexpected Open House this past Sunday. A couple came through who seemed to like it quite a bit.
Also, there is another couple who has been showing some interest.
Our realtor sent us the statistics from our website posting for the past week, and activity shows an increase.
SO - - people are finally starting to get out and look at things.
Maybe one of them will turn out to be "the one", and this long, drawn-out process will FINALLY come to an end.
Just gotta wait and see . . . a little bit longer . . .
26 May 2007
There was a realtor who showed our house a week or so ago.
The feedback she gave to our realtor is not to be believed . . .
She said her people were really surprised - - they expected it to be a ranch house, like it is advertised to be, and did not expect it to have steps.
Excuse me?
The house has ONE step. ONE. STEP.
Down from the living room into the sunken family room.
Actually, I'm lying - - it has TWO steps. One step on each side of the fireplace, from the living room to the sunken family room.
Each step has a banister.
And this makes it NOT a ranch????
The house we live in now is a brick RANCH house. And it has a LOT more steps than our other house does.
Some people just refuse to be pleased about anything . . .
Oh well . . .
05 May 2007
Maybe "Third Time's the Charm"????
We have another Open House scheduled for tomorrow.
Dear Hubby and I were over Thursday evening. He did the mowing, fixed a loose shingle on the garage roof, and replaced a valve in the bathroom.
I "spiffed up" the place - - dusting, vacuuming, Windexing, and general prettying it up so that it will show well.
Keep you fingers crossed that the right person will walk in, fall in love with it, and not be able to live without it, and it will be sold.
Hey - - it can happen! That's what happened with us when we walked in THIS house! The very first step I took in this house, I felt like I had finally arrived home, and wanted to stay and never leave.
So I have faith, and high hopes. Our other house is a nice one, and will make someone a wonderful home.
I just hope that "someone" sees it tomorrow . . .
28 April 2007
Nothing Yet
There have not been any posts here for quite a while, because there is absolutely nothing to report.
We have had a total of three open houses so far, but no luck on a buyer. Two weeks ago, the house was shown FIVE TIMES - - still no luck.
We are having another open house again very soon. Hopefully, with the weather being so nice now, our luck will change.
Say a prayer for us . . .
19 February 2007
Keep Your Fingers Crossed
Dear Hubby heard from his work buddy this morning that he saw our realtor last night and stopped to talk to her. During the conversation, she mentioned to him that she had shown our house yesterday, and the people were going to look at it again today.
SO - - keep your eyes, ears, fingers and toes crossed . . . (yeah yeah, I know - - makes it kinda hard to walk or type, but hey . . . )
Keep ya posted . . .
08 February 2007
Got An Offer . . .
We got an offer on the house.
But we said "No, thank you".
Don't get me wrong - - we really appreciate the time you took to look over the house, and meet with our realtor, and make the offer.
BUT - - did you really expect us to come down $37,000 in price???
AND agree to a contingency that you sell your house first? When you don't even have your house listed yet??
Did you?
Like I said - - "No, thank you."
Oh well - - maybe we will have better luck next time . . .
21 January 2007
Time For An Open House
We had an Open House scheduled for our old house today - -
So of course, Mother Nature had to "show her A**" . . . with a few inches of snow, and slick streets and roads. *sigh*
We went by after church to check out the driveway, and apparently the realtor's office had plowed it out. So we got the shovel and the broom and made sure the sidewalks were all cleaned off, and checked inside the house to make sure everything was ready to go.
Unfortunately, the weather must have really put people off, because our realtor only had 4 people come through.
Oh well - - maybe one of them will like it - - or someone else will come through a little later and like it - -